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"every ml. counts"



During a service the suspension units are fully disassembled, thoroughly cleaned and inspected for wear. 
Fork stanchions and shock shafts are polished to remove any imperfections which could damage seals, and reduce stiction.
If necessary shock bodies and cartridge tubes are honed to improve sealing. The components are measured for correct tolerances and the units assembled using the finest lubricants available.



Suspension performance deteriorates gradually over time, you often don't notice how bad it's got until there is a significant drop in performance. Regular maintenance ensures that the suspension components are working at their optimum. The reciprocating motion of suspension units causes parts to wear adding minute particles of debris to the oil, the oil holds some of the debris in solution so it constantly flows through the pistons and shims.

Oil life is depend on hours of use and temperature reach during that time, so like an engine, lubrication and viscosity thus damping characteristics change significantly with use. Also on rear shocks sometimes air finds its way in the oil which makes matter worst .

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